


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sinopsis Blue Sky Wasiq

-Langit membiru selalu mengingatkan kita tentang besarnya kuasa dan kedudukan Allah di mata manusia. Tetapi, adakah kita menduganya?? Pernahkah kita memuji kekuasaan Allah yang telah ditunjukkan hanya melalui ciptaannya yang nyata iaitu langit?? Mengisahkan tentang seorang ustaz muda bernama Ustaz Naufal yang baru menamatkan kerjayanya di Rusia. Kini dia pulang semula ke tanah air untuk berkhidmat semula sebagai seorang pendakwah bebas. Namun, kali ini tugasnya semakin berat iaitu memperbetulkan agama Islam yang ada di sebuah perkampungan yang agak terlindung di mata masyarakat. Banyak pengalaman dan cabaran terpaksa ditempuhi Ustaz Naufal sepanjang dia berada di kampung tersebut. Adakah dia berjaya melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya? Bagaimanakah caranya untuk melembutkan hati saudara seIslamnya di situ? InsyAllah, selepas anda membaca kisah ini, anda akan memandang ke langit dan memuji kebesaranNYA.. SubhanAllah...

Zain Bikha-Denn il Islam (I AM A MUSLIM)


By : Zain Bhikha

By: (Linda Gcwensa & Zain Bhikha)

If you ask me, why do I stand here,
So unafraid of everything around me.
Proudly I would say, I am a Muslim.
If you ask her, why does she dress that way,
All covered up in a world that gives it all away.
Proudly she would say, I am a Muslim.

Deenil Islam deeni Wala ‘ardab gheiru deeni Muhammad elli hadeeni Nourel iman x 2

If you ask me, surely this cannot be,
You give your wealth so free, and you say your life is charity.
It ain’t hard to see, I am a Muslim.
If you ask him, why does it hurt so,
When he sees injustice, even though it’s folks he doesn’t know,
With tears in his eyes he says, I am a Muslim.


If you ask her, why doesn’t she cry,
There’s no one by her side, she’s the only one that’s left behind.
Patiently she sighs, I am a Muslim.
If you ask him, why does he still pray,
Five times a day when so many others have strayed.
Smiling he would say, I am a Muslim.


If you ask me, why do I love you
No matter where you are, we are the greatest Ummah
With the beating of our hearts, we are Muslim.

La-illah-ha-illalah Muhammad-ur-rasullulah
There is only one God
La-illah-ha-illalah Muhammad-al-Mustapha
Muhammad is the messenger
La-illah-ha-illalah Muhammad-ur-rasullulah
There is only one God
La-illah-ha-illalah Muhammad-al-Mustapha
Muhammad is the messenger

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